The Five Faces of Social Media
Very often, I will be in a discussion with a client where they espouse the virtues of social media. They’ll suggest that social media is…
Continue reading →The user is always right. And the user is always far ahead of the companies they are buying from. Companies need to understand their future digital consumer and do things now to meet them and exceed their expectations.
Very often, I will be in a discussion with a client where they espouse the virtues of social media. They’ll suggest that social media is…
Continue reading →Facebook has confirmed it’s now testing a new Reactions feature in Ireland and Spain which may be soon rolled out worldwide. Essentially the Reactions feature…
Continue reading →In the past supercomputing was only accessible to large corporations who could afford to fork out tens of millions of dollars to set them up….
Continue reading →Everyone knows who Kim Kardashian is, unless of course you have been living under a very very large rock. Kim Kardashian is…. well famous for…
Continue reading →In the mid 90’s Bart Simpson sold his soul to Millhouse for a mere $5. After a series of calamities he realised that life isn’t…
Continue reading →A new academic paper has suggested that the longer / harder to pronounce a person’s name, the less “truthiness” they are perceived to have: subjects…
Continue reading →Location based games, such as Geocaching, are gaining worldwide popularity. Geocaching is a worldwide treasure hunt that’s becoming a huge craze all over the world….
Continue reading →I’ve compiled a list of 20 trends for communicators for the next 12 months. Enjoy! 1. True Digital Communications What many people in our industry…
Continue reading →People have always created things in their spare time – whether tinkering in their sheds, fixing cars, making quilts, painting, taking photos or other creative…
Continue reading →Apple has just launched an updated version of the Safari browser that can strip ads out and foucs just on the content
Continue reading →Every so often, a technology comes along that redefines competition within markets: Email redefined the way people communicate, and in doing so, undermined the letter…
Continue reading →What makes things popular? Often, new stuff is popular, just because it’s new. It’s there – and it wasn’t there before. It doesn’t necessarily mean…
Continue reading →How sick are we of telling another website what our name and details are? How sick are we of remembering our various passwords? How sick…
Continue reading →This from Marketing Charts: Half of Twitter Has Never Tweeted. So… 60% of people on Twitter abandon it after the first month. And now we find…
Continue reading →Watching this video of Coca-Cola’s new interactive vending machine, Anthony J Phillips, the Global Marketing Manager of Coca-Cola, talks about the “fantastic partnership between marketing,…
Continue reading →Seth Godin asks – what’s the difference between luxury vs premium? He argues in essence, Luxury is an extravagant price on a less than extravagant…
Continue reading →I’m is quoted in this Patrick Stafford piece in SmartCompany. It’s about Twitter’s appalling churn rate of over 60%. Some of the reasons why Twitter’s retention…
Continue reading →The Cluetrain Manifesto is a book that inspired many of us, giving us a framework that allowed our passion for the digital space to become…
Continue reading →According to Nielsen, Twitter is most popular with 35-49 year olds, with teens barely rating on the Twitter popularity scale: Twitter Doesn’t Smell Like Teen Spirit…
Continue reading →In the olden days of the early-mid 90s, websites on like topics were linked via webrings; links / arrows on the bottom of the page…
Continue reading →I recently returned from a very relaxing three week holiday in Greece and Italy. The groups that provided services and tours concluded the experiences with a…
Continue reading →A great piece on how Google, and changing media consumption habits are changing the way we think – literally. Is Google Making Us Stupid?
Continue reading →Two great cartoons from Bill Leak in The Australian over the past two days on the Bill Henson saga: Monday 26 May Saturday 24 May
Continue reading →HOT or NOT is one of the most interesting sites I’ve seen in ages. My good friend RGM at Me and Us alerted me to…
Continue reading →Our friend Andrew Norton has started a fascinating conversation about respect vs tolerance, framed within the context of The Peel refusing to allow straights and…
Continue reading →Apple TVs are SO COOL! Now they’ll be able to stream YouTube straight to your TV. And soon enough, Joost and other online video services….
Continue reading →In a mini little aside on this post from Russell Davies’ fantastic blog, he talks about helping others out to “save our souls”. Interesting. Have…
Continue reading →I’ve been spending a lot of time on Joost lately; I got a Beta invite. And I can’t get enough. I reckon it’s the greatest…
Continue reading →1. Because I enjoy the discipline of observing & writing. 2. Because I enjoy a rant (even if it’s to very few people) about issues…
Continue reading →At the moment… is voicemail messages. I’ve hated them for a while without realising it, but I’m increasingly annoyed with them. If you don’t answer,…
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